Reserve Storage - Junction City

Storage in Junction City near DANVILLE, KY

At Reserve Storage we provide secure storage for all your personal belongings. We take pride in being locally owned and managed!

RENT NOW to get INSTANT ACCESS to your Space!

Log In / Make a Payment

Renting ONLINE is as EASY as 1, 2, 3!

1. Choose Open Unit

View our Available Spaces, Options, and Sizing Guides; select the Space that most fits your individual needs.

2. Enter your Billing Information.

Review our Rental Agreement, Complete your Customer Profile, and Select a Payment Method!


Once your application is complete you will gain INSTANT ACCESS to the Unit, Customer Portal, and your Space!

Storage Unit • 50 Sq/Ft • (10 x 5)

Size of a Walk-in Closet (5' Wide X 10' Deep); comfortably holds (1+) rooms of Furniture and Boxes, ATV or Motorcycle.

$30 / month

Storage Unit • 100 Sq/Ft • (10 x 10)

Size of a Large Bedroom (10' Wide X 10' Deep); comfortably holds (2-3+) rooms of Furniture and Boxes, a (2-3) Bedroom Apartment or (3) Bedroom House.

$50 / month

View our Facility Map to find your Storage Space! • Junction City, KY

Reserve Storage • Junction City, KY Location


Located at 390 South Lucas Street, Junction City, KY 40440

Welcome to Reserve Storage Junction City!

Our Facility Features:
• 24/7 High-Definition Video Surveillance.
• Dusk to Dawn Overnight Lighting.
• Keyless Entry by DaVinci Lock.
• Online / Contactless Rental Management.
• Tenant / Property Insurance

Rent or Reserve your Space NOW and get INSTANT ACCESS!